Sep 17, 2008

Quote of the Week

"Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir one's blood and
probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in
hope and work; remembering that a noble, logical diagram once
recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living
thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency. Remember that
our sons and grandsons and daughters and granddaughters are going to
do things that would stagger us." -

Daniel Hudson Burnham, Chicago Architect

Sep 13, 2008

Treat people

Treat people as if they were what they should be, and you help them
become what they are capable of becoming.

-- Johannn von Goethe

Sep 10, 2008

Quotes of the Week

'Vision isn't enough unless combined with venture. It's not
enough to stare up the steps unless we also step up the
-- Vance Havner

'It is never too late to be what we might have been.'
-- George Eliot

'Two little words that can make the difference: START NOW.'
-- Mary C. Crowley

'No mistake or failure is as bad as to stop and not try again.'
-- John Wanamaker

Sep 2, 2008

Quotes of the Week

'Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.'
-- Theodore Roosevelt

'The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive.
The great opportunity is where you are.'
-- John Burroughs

'Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a
distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.'
-- Thomas Carlyle

'The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore
they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation
after generation.'
-- Pearl S. Buck

Aug 27, 2008

Quotes to Brighten Your Day

Some people have a gift for using language to lighten our
loads and brighten our days. Mark Twain had it; George
Burns had it. Over the years, I've collected thousands of
quotes and here are a few that I count on to make me smile.

'Don't be humble. You're not that great.'
--- Golda Meir

'Few things are harder to put up with than
the annoyance of a good example.'
--- Mark Twain

'I envy people who drink. At least they know
what to blame everything on.'
--- Oscar Levant

''The secret to staying young is to live honestly,
eat slowly, and lie about your age.'
--- Lucille Ball

'Old age is like everything else, to make
a success of it you got to start young.'
--- Fred Astaire

'You know your children are growing up when
they stop asking where they came from and
refuse to tell you where they're going.'
--- P. O'Brien

'You know who must be very secure in their
masculinity? Male ladybugs.'
--- Jay Leno

'I want to know why, if men rule the world,
they don't stop wearing neckties.'
--- Linda Ellerbee'

'I'd like to live like a poor man,
only with lots of money.'
--- Pablo Picasso

'I hate housework! You make the beds,
you do the dishes - and six months later
you have to start all over again.'
--- Joan Rivers

Philip Humbert

Aug 25, 2008

Quotes of the Week

The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to
paint the canvas of our lives.
-- Louise Hay

The problem in my life and other people's lives is not the
absence of knowing what to do, but the absence of doing it.
-- Peter Drucker

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be
lost. Now put foundations under them.
-- Henry David Thoreau

It is never too late to be what we might have been.
-- George Eliot

Aug 20, 2008

Quotes of the Week

"You are what you think about all day long."
-- Dr. Robert Schuller

"Once you know that what you think about expands, you start
getting real careful about what you think about."
-- Wayne Dyer

"The way we live our days, is the way we live our lives."
-- Annie Dillard

"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a
big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can
make which, over time, add up to big differences that we
often cannot foresee."
-- Marian Wright Edelman

Aug 10, 2008

Quote this day

People who enjoy what they are doing invariably do it well.
­ Joe Gibbs, Hall of Fame American Football Coach

You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of
it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an
alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.
Tom Brokaw, American Television Journalist

Aug 5, 2008

Dream, Life & You

'Each of us was born with wings...(and) has the ability to
go farther than we ever thought possible, to do things
beyond our wildest imaginings.'
-- Barbara Stanny

'If you can DREAM it, you can DO it.'
-- Walt Disney

'A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan
and a deadline.'
-- Harvey Mackay

'It only takes one person to change your life - you.'
-- Ruth Casey

Aug 4, 2008

Quotes fot this day

The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to
paint the canvas of our lives.
-- Louise Hay

The problem in my life and other people's lives is not the
absence of knowing what to do, but the absence of doing it.
-- Peter Drucker

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be
lost. Now put foundations under them.
-- Henry David Thoreau

It is never too late to be what we might have been.
-- George Eliot

Aug 1, 2008

Quotes of the day

"The beginning is always today."
-- Mary Wollstonecraft

"To change one's life: 1. Start immediately. 2. Do it
flamboyantly. 3. No exceptions."
-- "William James

"Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits."
-- Thomas A. Edison

"Life is no `brief candle' to me. It is a sort of splendid
torch which I've got to hold up for the moment, and I want
to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it
on to future generations."
-- George Bernard Shaw

Jul 30, 2008

Being rich

"Being rich has more to do with a picture than a bank account... it
is all about the picture you see in your mind about your life... that
determines what's in your bank account."
Doug Firebaugh


If you want to be successful, start thinking of yourself as being
successful. You are what you believe yourself to be.
Don't be afraid of what life has to offer you. If you believe that
life is worth living, your belief will help create the fact.
The barrier between you and success is not something that exists in
the real world. It's simply composed of doubts about your ability.
Your only limits to your realization of tomorrow will be your doubts of today.
Max Steingart

Jul 28, 2008

Keep your thinking right

"Keep your thinking right and your business will be right."
--Zig Ziglar

You can have everything in life

"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough
other people get what they want."
--Zig Ziglar


"A fellow with the smallest mind is the one who is usually most willing to
give someone a piece of it."
--Croft M. Pentz


"When you turn to God you discover He has been facing you all the time."
--Zig Ziglar

Jul 22, 2008


"Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor."

Truman Capote


'Vision isn't enough unless combined with venture. It's not
enough to stare up the steps unless we also step up the
-- Vance Havner

Never to Late

'It is never too late to be what we might have been.'
-- George Eliot

Start Now

'Two little words that can make the difference: START NOW.'
-- Mary C. Crowley

try again

'No mistake or failure is as bad as to stop and not try again.'
-- John Wanamaker

Jul 21, 2008

all things are attainable

With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all
things are attainable.
-- T.F. Buxton

To succeed

To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to,
something to motivate you, something to inspire you.
-- Tony Dorsett

The path to success

'The path to success is to take massive, determined action.'
-- Anthony Robbins

We can do anything

'We can do anything we want as long as we stick to it long enough.'
-- Helen Keller

Make it happen

'There's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at
what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make
it happen.'
-- Wayne Dyer

Our Duty

'It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the
limits to our abilities do not exist.'
-- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Minute

'The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get
even less than you settled for.'
-- Maureen Dowd

The Man with a mean

'The man who comes up with a means for doing or producing
anything better, faster or more economically has his future
and his fortune at his fingertips.'
-- John Paul Getty

Smart working

'Just as it is essential to know the difference between
working hard and working smart, so we must understand the
difference between creating something big, and creating
something meaningful.'
-- Philip E. Humbert, PhD.


'Every man dies. Not every man truly lives.'
-- Braveheart


'Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds
from the achievement of one's values.'
-- Ayn Rand


Imagination is the highest kite that one can fly
Lauren Bacall

Jul 16, 2008

It's not the situation, but whether we react (negative) or respond
(positive) to the situation that's important.
Zig Ziglar

Jul 13, 2008

Paint of Live

'The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas
of our lives.'
-- Louise Hay

Testing Point

'A moment of choice is a moment of truth.
It's the testing point of our character and competence.'
-- Stephen Covey


'What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you
become by achieving your goals.'
-- Zig Ziglar


'Trust that still, small voice that says,
This might work and I'll try it.'
-- Diane Mariechild

Jul 12, 2008

Impotent Goals

'People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals,
that is goals that do not inspire them.'
-- Anthony Robbins

Never Give Up

'If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how
to get there.
Then never, never, never give up.'
-- Norman Vincent Peale


'Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds
from the achievement of one's values.'
-- Ayn Rand

Helen Keller Quote

'One can never consent to creep when one feels the impulse to soar.'
-- Helen Keller

service to others

Good is the transcendence of self in service to others
Michelle Nunn

Jul 11, 2008

Just Learn

'I don't worry about the storms, I am learning to sail my own ship.'
-- Louisa May Alcott

The Right Things

'Before you wonder 'Am I doing thinks right,' ask 'Am I doing the right
-- Stephen R. Covey

Life is change

'Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.'
-- Karen Kaiser Clark


'I have always had a dread of becoming a passenger in life.'
-- Queen Margret II of Denmark'

Jul 10, 2008

Jim Rohn Quote

"The greatest form of maturity is at harvest time. This is when we must
learn how to reap without complaint if the amounts are small and how to
reap without apology if the amounts are big."
Jim Rohn


"Being rich has more to do with a picture than a bank account... it is all
about the picture you see in your mind about your life... that determines
what's in your bank account."
Doug Firebaugh


"There's a wonder in the way we're always free; to change the world by
changing how we see."
Cyndi Craven


"Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe
something inside them was superior to circumstances."
Bruce Barton


"Visionaries are NOT special people. The gift of true vision requires only
a willingness to open your eyes to first, find the horizon. Once fixated on
the horizon comes the ability to see beyond, where the true magic of life
Rick Beneteau

Time management

"Time management is a vehicle to take you from wherever you are to wherever
you want to go."
Brian Tracy

Secret of the Rich

"Time-management is the best kept secret of the rich."
Jim Rohn


"Time is amazing... it has only one thing to say to anyone... 'When?'"
Doug Firebaugh

Time will not delay

"You may delay, but time will not."
Benjamin Franklin

the 'niche talent'

"Whatever your talent is, you should craft it, nourish it and build on it.
It is the 'niche talent' that will take you to the top of your field.
-- Mark Victor Hansen

Jul 9, 2008

The Approval of Others vs to Accept Responsibility to Others

"The addiction to the approval of others may be more life threatening,
stress producing, and debilitating than drugs or booze. Choose to accept
responsibility to others, but not for their attitudes, opinions or behavior
towards you. If they like you, great. If not, it's not your problem."
-- Bill Gove,
1912-2001, father of professional speaking


We all find time to do what we really want to do. -
William Feather


In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy. -
Karl Reiland

Make the turn.

A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the
- Unknown


"Intuition is the end result of the most sophisticated kind of reasoning."
Joanne Victoria,


"In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes
us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy."
- Albert Clarke

the truth

"You never find yourself until you face the truth."
- Pearl Bailey

Jul 8, 2008

Tactics & Strategy

"Good tactics can save even the worst strategy. Bad tactics will destroy
even the best strategy."
General George S. Patton, Jnr.

The extra mile

"The extra mile is the stretch of road that is never crowded."
- author unknown.

Set your Heart

"What you set your heart on will determine how you spend your time and energy. And it takes as much effort to live an unfulfilled life, as a rich rewarding one."
- Bob and Debby Gass


"Now and then, it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness, and just be happy."
Guillaume Apollinaire

Jul 7, 2008

Make a Day

"A day will never be anymore than what you make of it. Practice being a
-- Josh S. Hinds

Ben Franklin Quotes

"Hide not your talents.
They for use were made.
What's a sundial in the shade?"
-- Ben Franklin

Keep Going!

"When you're going through hell, keep going!"
-- Winston Churchill


"If you can DREAM it, you can DO it."
-- Walt Disney

Jul 6, 2008

Have something to live for.

The secret of man's being is not only to live but to have something to live
-- Dostoyevsky

The Future

"Those who do not create the future they want must endure the future they get."
-- Draper L. Kaufman, Jr.

Power & Freedom

"Freedom is actually a bigger game than power.
Power is about what you can control.
Freedom is about what you can unleash."
-- Harriet Rubin

Decide how you're going to live

"You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when.
You can only decide how you're going to live. Now."
-- Joan Baez

Jul 4, 2008

# 7

Compared with what we ought to be, we are only half awake.
We are making use of only a small part of our physical and mental resources.
Stating the thing broadly, thus lives far within his limits.
He possesses power of various sorts, which he habitually fails to use.
- William James

# 6

"Had I known in advance the price I'd have to pay, I would have never paid that price"
Jim Rohn

Jul 2, 2008

Quote # 5

"What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do."
-- John Ruskin

Quote # 4

"The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers."
-- Walter Chrysler

Quote # 2

"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-- Joan Borysenko

Quote # 1

"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least".
-- Goethe

Quote # 3

"It is just the little touches after the average man would quit that make the masters fame"
-- Orison Sweet Marden